Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should ciggarettes, cigars be illegal?

should it because ciggarettes dont only harm the smoker but other people around the smoker. if they were illegal it could save alot of peoples lifes. second hand smoke is so dangerous too. if you take the cigarettes away it elimanates first and secondhand.
omg yes! they should definitely be illegal...they harm more than just the person smoking but the ppl around them and if drugs are illegal (cuz they are addicting) then cigarettes should b illegal too
no...if cigarettes are made to be illegal...you'd better make alcohol illegal too.why not make cars illegal too...they kill a lot of innocent poeple. We have to be able to make choices. I think as a society we are starting to see that smokins is bad but we are banning poeple from smoking in public places but not making it illegal so they can't even smoke in their own homes. PS I am a previous smoker who has quit for 8 years...I don't like smoke anymore but you have to look at the bigger picture, and we all have our own choices to make.
I'd vote for it. I'm fine with people pursuing whatever makes them happy, even if it's unhealthy and stupid, but if it hurts other people, you gotta draw the line.
No. Because booze is worse than smoking any day! Smoking doesn't impair your senses. Booze does. And if booze is legal then smoking should be.
yes because they are real killers to innocent people, for example BOTH my grandpas had lung cancer and passed away at young ages
i think it should be illegal to smoke in restaurants, bowling alleys, etc.
No.they get a LOT of money off tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes and chew). They'll never make them illegal--they'll just keep raising taxes on them.I used to smoke. Heck my whole family used to smoke. We figured out in 1 year, we saved a total of $13,104 by not buying cigarettes.I know second-hand smoke is dangerous. Just do the best you can to stay away from it. Stop patronizing restaurants that have smoking sections. Other than that, there really is no where else you get second-hand smoke. Unless you live with a smoker. Can't help you there.
Definately, if tobacco products were not manufactured then maybe us smokers could stop!
In no way less legal than alcohol.Or weed.Or fast cars.Or anything else that makes this life a bit less dull. Let us smoke.
Yes and don't forget that alcohol is a class A narcotic
As much as I would like to say yes because I probably hate the smell of cigarette smoke more than all of you guys answering this question combined, no I do not think so. I think people have to make their own decisions, you say it effects innocent people, maybe if there were just tighter restrictions on it, like you can't smoke in a house or car with minors in it, you cannot smoke in public unless in a designated smoking area, which would be an enclosed ventilated room, in malls and other large areas. You are right , but heck, if they want to kill themselves, good riddance!
What effects on society are you willing to deal with if you make it illegal? The mob would never have gained the power it did without prohibition. If you make tobacco illegal, then you will create a whole new class of criminals. How many of your friends who smoke are you willing to put in jail for smoking? How much in taxes are you willing to pay to support people in jail for tobacco use? You can forbid smoking around other people in public places, but you cannot legislate private morality. Any time it's been tried, it has failed miserably. Look at the "war" on drugs!
Smoking kills more people than alcohol 40,000 people die every year from second hand smoke
Only 17,000 die in DUI accidents
400,000 US people die from smoking every year
24% die from lung cancer that never smoked
SIDS Might be caused by second hand smoke Me I gave up a 5 pack a day habit, I am on oxygen I don't want smokers anywhere near me
who told you secondhand smoke was harmful?The people who dont want you to blame your lung cancer on air pollution. Its reported that being around secondhand smoke for 30 minutes or less a day in a severly congested room, is completely reversible.
No, but self-righteous people should be criminalized.
it should but the government is getting so much in tax money they can't unlegalized them

Should a bruise be painful when you stand?

I broke my left foot a week ago. I went to the ER ASAP and was told it's a break, given crutches, and told to follow up. I went to the orthapedic surgeon and he said it's too swollen for a cast, stay off it, take painkillers and to follow up in 3 weeks. The problem I have is the bruising/swelling is very painful and I'm wondering if that's normal. I have my leg elevated and as soon as I move it to get up it HURTS! Words cannot explain how it hurts and it feels like it's going to explode, like the bloods all rushing to it.
I've tried to get up slowly and lower my leg in increments but nothing helps the pressure!
Is this normal and how long will it take to go away?
Also can I start to apply heat to the bruise since it's been a week?
Any advice would be great!
This is not unusual.
I would not apply heat at this time, as it will increase blood flow to the area, and that's part of the problem already.
Elevate the leg above the heart, apply ice in 20 min on/ 20 min off increment. If you can tolerate it, you can ace-wrap it snuggly to help push some of that fluid out.
You should be taking ibuprofen (like 600 mg. every 4 hrs.) or some kind of anti-inflammatory drug.
It'll get better
i have often heard thgat bruises are painful and have long term affects.
sounds normal just tender im sure due to the injury.Things You Can Do About Bruising
If you develop bruising: apply ice to the area for about 20 to 30 minutes. This will help to constrict, or shrink the blood vessels that may be damaged and bleeding.
After the first 48 hours, you may use heated compresses (which may be a heating pad, or a very warm wash cloth), 2 or 3 times a day, to help reabsorb the blood. If you have pain at the site, you may take Acetaminophen (Tylenol庐) up to 4000 mg per day (two extra-strength tablets every 6 hours). If you have a bleeding disorder, you should avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs, as well as aspirin, because these drugs may interfere with blood platelets, or prolong your bleeding. If you notice that you are bruising or bleeding easily, notify your health care provider of potential bleeding problems.
Make sure you tell your doctor, as well as all health care providers, about any other medications you are taking (including over-the-counter, vitamins, or herbal remedies). Do not take aspirin or products containing aspirin unless your health care provider permits this.
Remind your doctor or health care provider if you have a history of diabetes, liver, kidney, or heart disease
As cliched as this may sound, there's nothing a good massage won't fix. Atleast in this case, it may be somewhat helpful.In addition to the bruise (contusion) you most likely have a hematoma (sort of like a deep bruise). A hot pack and gently rubbing/massaging the area could help speed up the reduction of the hematoma and associated pain.Before you take any OTC pain medications with your prescription meds, either check online or, better yet, consult your doctor to be sure that there aren't any potentially harmful drug interactions. Generally, with most pain killers, there's usually not.

Shortness of breath and slight chest pains?

I've had sob (shortness of breath) and a tension in my chest for the past few days. I am a 22 yr old otherwise healthy female and I am currently in college with no health insurance, and the health clinic is too expensive for me right now. What could be my problem and what can I do about it being that my circumstances are the way they are?
Are you under a lot of stress? See your guidance counselor, they should be able to steer you in the right direction. College is stressful, I think your symptoms may be related to stress.
If you've recently started hormone based birth control (the pill, the patch, NuvaRing, etc.), you could have blood clots in your lungs. The risk for this increases if you are a smoker.The most common sign that you have blood clots is pain and swelling in one or both of your legs.If this sounds like you, get to an ER, quick.
it could be stress. I sometimes get pain in my chest also and I am a mother with alot of stress.
It could be stress related but depsite no health insurance %26 the expense of the health clinic, you need to be seen by a doctor. Don't wait !!
Sounds to me like you have asthma. It might not even be full blown asthma but just allergy induced which is what I get,Every summer, I get a tight feeling in my chest and I can't breathe good. I have bad allergies so, every allergy season my bronchial tubes tighten up, and that's what it sounds like is happening to you.My recommendation is to go get a bronchodilater of some kind. That is just fancy talk for any medicine that opens up your breathing tubes. The best one that I have found is Primatine Mist. it comes in an inhaler and you can buy it in any local pharmacy. Fire fighters and construction workers use it a lot because they breathe in crap all day long. It really does work too, give it a try and see if it works.Also if it doesn't go away then you might want to go see a doctor about it.
Email me if you have any questions at all
I am definitely not a doctor. But I am going to tell you what I did when I had the same problem. Lie down on your back. Take 40 deep breaths( as deep as possible) Turn to your right side and take 40 deep breaths. And finally turn to your left side and take an additional 40 deep breaths. Do this every morning and every evening until you are better. It worked for me. I hop it will for you.
can happen because of smoking. only need to take oxygen for an hour and you will be fine.
Do not smoke or drink excessively .....that includes Alcohol and coffee. And no drugs please.

Short sighted people........?

Stop wasting money on glasses just hold the book closer to your face or put your nose on the computer screen. OR even buy a hudge plasma screen to fill a whole wall in your house! and PRESTO money saved on glasses!!Am I clever or what?
Ha flipping Ha. Very funny, what did you eat for breakfast ....dopey flakes?
OK - the TV bit works - I do that at home. However, how would you suggest we drive - right up the boot/trunk of the car in front so we can see it?!?!?
And I'm supposed to sit in the front row at the cinema am I?
no you're stupid. the reason we wear them is so we can se things in the distance. duh
i would say what
Oh, okey, so you DO give advice on myopia, after all. Thanks!
Yes but that doesn't answer the question about how you'll manage without your white stick %26 dog...leave that with me, I'm sure I'll come up with something
You are referring to longsighted people not the short sighted - get your facts right and you may be funny in the end
Been reading Viz have we?
So $300 every 2 years or so is more expensive thana humongous plasma TV (a 60" is about $2500)
finding all your books in large print (not every book comes in large print)
the traffic accidents caused because you couldn't see what was going on (One rear-ender can cost from $300 to thousands of dollars)
the reduction in quality of life (how can one put a price on seeing the world??)Uh, ok, sure, I'll give up my glasses.
*roll eyes at dopes who don't think*Yeah, clever, but a complete idiot. The world is full of smart people who refuse to THINK.
So, we're supposed to save money on glasses, but spend 10 to 20 times as much on a huge plasma screen television? Ha ha ha ... where are the savings in that?
and how do you expect me to be able to cross the road without getting killed?
I tried the bates method once, where you are supposed to do away with your glasses and train your eyes to see. I was a danger to myself and others and gave up soon after.
ur just stupid, the reason were short sighted and wear glasses is so we can see in the distance.

Shoe lifts?

I had total hip replacement May 10, and have found that the leg on the operated side is longer than the other. I need to get a shoe lift, and would like to know what kind of lifts people have found to be the best, and where to purchase them. I would prefer buying them online, if possible. I am also wondering if this leg difference will change over time. I would appreciate any input from people who have any info to give me. Thanks
The leg difference can change over a couple of years but most likely will not. you will not be able to get the shoes online until you have been properly fitted. You will have to have someone fit you with the proper lift first.

Shock massager? (a massager that shocks you it feels good)?

ok i have had a massager that massages you with shocks but i lost it and i cant find another does any1 kno any website who has them
I got something like that from my physical theropist. It is called a Tens unit. If you have chronic pain, you could ask your DR. about getting one, your insurance may cover it. Mine did. Otherwise they cost around $800 if you are paying out of pocket.

Shingles. What is the long term effect of having shingles?

I had shingles 14 years ago while pregnant.I am a 37 year old female.For over seven years now when someone touches my lower back i scream in pain. I have been to several doctors, 2 were back specialists, 3 choiropractors, 1 theropist, acupunture. Not one doctor understands why i am like this.No medicine helps.The only thing that shows up in my blood is Epstein Barr Syndrome. They all say its no big deal, almost everyone has it.I do have epelepsy and have been taking depekene for over 25 years. Taking depo provera for about 15 years. Had 2 epedorals from c-sections and while pregnant 15 years ago had shingles. Could any of these be a factor?My xrays and MRI's show mild arthritis in the lumbosacral articulation at the L5-S1 level. The pain level is much more than mild.I am looking into having lazer surgury in florida
I don't think your unusual low back pain is relate to shingles.Because you have shingle 14 years ago,even postherapetic neuralgia could as long as for one year but no case report will last or recurrent after 10 years more later.We all know that the varicella-zoster virus will stay with you for ever but if it flare up will have typical symptoms;rash pain and not just have pain.Here has some questions;what kind of touch create such pain? light touch on skin or deep pressure on muscles,spine or other structure? and the pain is sharp,dull or other,radiate to your thighs,legs or other area? You have seizure disorder you must followup by a neurologist and what he thinks.Do you have EMG test and what result. are.? What type of seizure disorder you have ?general or focal?I think you need to r/o other neurological illness.talk to your neurologist will get better answer.
I have them and I just had a scar and that was it so I don't know what happened!!
Wow, I had shingles like 7 years ago. The only thing I have noticed is when I get really stressed out and tired I get that burning within sensation in my lower back (where mine mainly were). You will get alot of different people that tell you alot of different things with shingles. I think it's different with each person. There's also alot of health myths out there about them. It sounds like you have other health issues though to, so be carefull that you have a doctor that truly knows you, if you do anything. Best wishes!

Shin splints-custom vs OTC orthotics?

1. i have flat feet (or so my doctor believes)
2. i have shin splints--never endinghe recommended orthotics.
any one tried both dr.scholl's orthotics and custom ones for shin splints? are the custom ones a rip off? can you give me some details about the effectiveness of each, or pros and cons of each before i spent $500?
The OTC ones are cheap, but they can also be harmful. The can hit pressure points in your feet that can cause a lot more pain. The custom fit ones are made for you, and only you. Everyone has different shapes and unique features in their feet, and the OTC ones are generic and made for general purpose use. I know that the feet can be a tricky part of the foot to deal with because of all the nerves and pressure points.
Personally, I spent the extra money for custom made ones and they made a HUGE difference with knee, back and shin pain.
Good luck.
Hey, you can always try the OTC ones and if it doesn't help, go to get ones made.

Shin splints?

I have shin splints. I rested them for about a week and a half, then ran and they still hurt. Any ideas on how to fix them?
Do I need to go to a podiatrist or orthopedic?
Shin splints are small tears in the muscle at their point of attachment to the shin bone. It is associated with the repetitive use of the ankle dorsiflexors (the muscle bulk beside the shin bone-tibia, on the outer side from the front). It can be prevented by warming up. The most effective kind of warm-up is by stretching. You can do this by sitting on your heel so that your soles are facing upwards. Increase the stretch by lifting the big toe upward. Small tears or microtears within the muscles are believed to facilitate growth of more muscle fibers as a result of the repair process. Increased number of muscle fibers = enlarged muscle mass = increased strength.Shin splints can be treated by rest, icing and/or wearing proper footwear.See a sports medicine specialist and get a prescription to outpatient Physical Therapy.
Hope this helps.
Go for an MRI. You could have stress fractures.
get arch supports

Sharp stabbing pain in the heel of the foot??

I have started, in the past week or so to get a real sharp stabbing pain in the heel of my left foot. It is a strong enough pain to make you cry out, but will only last between 10 seconds and a minute. It is not worse after rest or in the morning and can strike at any time of the day or night. I even get it during the night, while at rest. There is no pain or aching generally and I can walk fine once the pain has subsided.
I have the pain, maybe 3 or 4 times per day.
Any idea's??
It sounds to me like a heel spur caused by Plantar Fasciitis. It's a painful inflammatory condition caused by excessive wear to the plantar fascia of the foot. The pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel, and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. This condition often results in a heel spur on the calcaneus, in which case it is the underlying condition, and not the spur itself, which produces the pain.You should go have it checked by a Podiatrist.
Heel spur? (See a doctor - anytime you have severe stabbing pain it requires a dr. visit.)
I had it but i forgot wat its called. It made me stop soccer for a while.
It depends...it could be from wearing bad shoes like high heals often, or you could have a planters wart which can feel like you're stepping on glass. (I had one on my toe years ago) they are usually under the surface of your skin so it's hard to see
Massage your heel, and ice it... if it dosent go away in 4 days then see a local doctor, nothing scary, just a vist.
Possible heal spur. Your podiatrist can give you a cortisone shot to relieve the pain (i know needles are scary but it makes the pain a lot more manageable).
you probably have some spurs..its very common
i have the same problem and my dr. told me it is tendonitis

Sharp pain..?

I have kind of a sharpish dullish pain on my left hip. It feels like it's on the bone, but i know it's not. I can feel it inside where it is actually at, but it's making my hip bone hurt. Has anyone ever felt this? If so, what is it? It hurts to the point my eyes are watering..
take a tylenol, then get to a doctor. the hip is a bad place for pain, as if it is serious and gets worse, the joint will be badly affected and may have permanent damage. don't wait, just go if it hurts. better safe than sorry
hope you feel better
you might have arthritis
You have Sciatica; I treat many clients just like you. In just one hour the pain is gone. Why don鈥檛 you try massage? Source: www.energymassagecenter.com.
It is most likely a pinched nerve. Various things can cause this but there are medications and therapies that can correct it. I would first go to your doctor and try to get a diagnosis. If it is in fact nerve pain, ask your md to prescribe neurontin for the pain.

Sharp pain upper right shoulder near collarbone?

I get this sharp pain in my upper right shoulder near my collar bone, straight above the front of my arm pit. It's accompanied by burning sensation going down the side of my arm. Along with more pain when I breath out deeply. It usually goes away, but is sticking around this time.
i would suggest seeing a doctor on this one since it seems to be getting worse. it sounds like it could be nerve related since it is traveling down the arm.

Sharp pain shooting through my foot?

I dont know if it has anything to do with me being 8 months pregnant, but whenever I walk I get this sharp pain the shoots through my foot from the top of my foot down through my big toe... anyone have any idea what it is?
It could be many things from a stress fracture to nerve compression from swelling to stress from activity and increased weight. You would have to give some body much more information to get a good idea oof what is bothering you.
i dont know if this is how you spell it but artharitic
sinacher: ;D
Well my aunt had the same problem and what she did was check out those zcoil shoes and those helped her and she also wrapped her toes with the bangage wrap tight and then after like 3 days it was gone

Sharp pain right underneath my stomach?

the last week i've had very sharp pains off and on throughout the day, say maybe six give or take. sometimes it feels like it travels to the top of my leg not much though. anyone have an idea on what it is. i can't go the doctor i don't have insurance so thats pretty much out of the questions unless something serious happens to where im forced to go to the emergency room. thanks all
If its on the right side it could be your appendix acting up but this is usually a continual pain. Try hydrating. Lots of water and Gator aid type products to help your water content and electrolites. Many leg and stomache problems are lack of water.
There is no medicine for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , constipation, intestinal inflammation;Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
A glass of warm water + 1/2 lemon juice + (little ginger paste if you get) will solve your problem within few minutes.
Continue with L.W. or citrus fruits for 3 days or till you feel good hunger.
Fast on cocoanut water for a day or three if there is chronic constipation will vanish both the problems.
Aglass of buttermilk five times a day (not sour) will also solve the problems.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Sharp pain on right side of rib cage? Help?

Posting for a friend who has been having pains for over a month on her right rib cage underneath her breast. The pain is sharp and consistent, she has been feeling constipated, and has had quite a bit of gas. She has anemia so I am wondering if that could factor in to anything. I'm trying to urge her to go to the emergency room but she is being hard headed. Any clue about what this may be so I can inform her of the urgency to address this?
Underneath her breast?? It could just be a cramp, but there is a SEVERE chance that it is more, perhaps a collapsed lung. I've had 6 spontanious collapsed lungs and while yes, laying down may help, there is a high chance that if you don't go to the hospital it can worsen and collapse the other one and you can die.Get your friend to the ER immediately.
i ahve pains there sometimes too but it fades...it sounds like a cramp but if it has been going on for so long then Im not sure. Is there any trouble breathing?
From the location, it sounds like gall bladder. If this is the case, the pain will only get worse. There is a fairly simple operation to have it removed. I would keep bugging her till she goes, even if she gets mad. Better to be safe than dead! Best wishes!
It could be so many things, and your friend really ought to try to get the doctor, to advise her. Is she in a bad position, financially so that a doctor visit would be difficult, or does she just not want to undergo testing? Sometimes it is so much more helpful just to go to the doctor's office and have problems rectified right away, so that nothing more results from whatever is going on. She may be concerned that it is something really serious, or may be just stubborn, but she is not helping herself, this way. Maybe, if she is unwilling to go to the emergency room, you could encourage her just to call her regular doctor. If she would let you help her, then you could do this, or let her do it on her own. If she tells them the symptoms she is having, they may be willing to see her quite expediciously if they have openings. If her doctor is difficult to get appointments with, then maybe she should find one that can more readily see her when she has a problem. If your friend is unhappy with her doctor's office, that may be playing into the whole situation. Some doctor's offices don't seem to listen to the patient when it seems important to get in to be seen, and the patient may even get off the phone feeling like it doesn't really matter. In the event that her doctor may be exhibiting a "poor bedside manner", this may be a large part of her reluctance. See if you can encourage her just to call her doctor.

Sharp Pain on Left Side (right under rib)?

This just started for me: I'll get this horrible sharp pain under my left lowest rib. It is brought on when I take a breath in. It will last for about 30 seconds to a minute. Each time I take a breath, it gets worse until I can breath in enough and it stops. I researched online and found my exact symptoms and it's called precardial catch syndrome. Anyone hear of this? is it related to gas? Is it dangerous. I can't see going to the doc right now...it doesn't happen all the time. I think he'll look at me like i'm crazy!
i am not 100% sure if what you have is a pericardial catch syndrome, or something else. i too would experience that once in a while, usually after some exertion or excercise. pericardial catch syndrome is rather a serious diagnosis which may lead to all other heart conditions. but, in my medical-surgical class, we have another explanation for that.the muscles which hug our rib cage comes layers and usually
shoot from different directions, more like overlapping plates of stretched muscle fibers. sometimes, some of the inner muscles come out of aligment and may cause to in-fold and kink, when this happens, the moment you breath, you will feel a sharp tearing or stabbing pain usually on the lower portions of your rib cage. the pain can sometimes be so painful your whole body stops moving and you stop breathing as well, for fear of making the pain get worse. sometimes you feel as if you need to bend over to the affected side, because when you breath, it feels as if your lungs cannot expand as well and your side feels like tearing.whenever this happens, do not panic. instead, put a finger or two to the site of the pain, and slowly massage it while breathing slowly. keep massaging until you feel the tension gives out and the initial pain subsides. relax and no sudden movements. just breath deeply and relax.but, if the pain persists and this happens like constantly, then go see a doctor. especially if after the initial pain, you feel some numbness.
it could be wind painmaybe a kidney stonegoto your hospital and seek medical attention...goodluck

Sharp pain near the right, lower back side of my head.?

It happens frequently when I'm on the computer. Yes, I know I should get off the computer if it occurs, but is this something specifically serious?
There are two large tendons that go from your shoulders to the base of your skull. One of them may be "locked up". A chiropractor should be able to help.
it could be many things if you are on your pc for extended periods of time it is probably a muscle spasm. if not or just to be safe any way you should talk to your personal doctor
This could possibly be nerve related. It is something that needs to be checked out by a dr. I would recommend having this evaluated by your dr to see what they think is going on.
You could have a parasite worm in your head...

Sharp pain in bladder??

Since this afternoon i have been gettting a sharp pain on and off in my bladder. It doesnt hurt when i pee what could it be?
The most common cause would be an infection- can be of any of the body parts in that area, including bladder, prostate, urethra. Of those, a bladder infection is the most common and is easily treated with antibiotics. However, the pain may be caused by an STD, which can present with varying symptoms. STDs can cause infertility if not treated, so go see your dr so s/he can help you find out; if it is, often it is treatable with antibiotics as well.
most likely early onset of a bladder infection. See your local doctor.

Sharp pain at outer side of my knee?

i'm an athlete. Been doing a lot of stair master, squats, lunges etc. haven't been running in a while. Recently started having pain around the knee area when walking, going DOWN stairs, bending the knee. tender to touch. the location is on the outer side of the leg, at level of patella but to the side, so i DON"T think it's not the knee cap. Feels like possibly a tendon, ligament, joint thing. pain worse and stiff in the morning. ice helps. Taped it today and felt better in the afternoon. attempted a light job and sharp shooting pain began withing a couple of minutes. any ideas what it could be? Anything serious? can I do anything to speed the healing? anyone had prolotherapy?
Sounds like a strain or tear of your lateral collateral knee ligament. If particularly severe and/or not responding to rest, ice, bracing/wrapping, and ibuprofen...it might be worth seeing a doctor and getting an MRI. If its a significant tear (or if the meniscus is injured), you might need arthroscopic knee surgery to fix it. Or, hopefully it is just a strain and the rest, ice, ibuprofen, with later stretches and exercises will take care of it.Prolotherapy (debateably helpful) is more for chronic pain, not the acute pain you have...and would not be helpful for a torn ligament +/- meniscal injury.Hope this helps.

Sharp momentary pains in right temporal lobe?

I have been getting sharp, momentary pains in my right temporal lobe. They aren't whole headaches. They are simple unbearable pains on or near my right temple. The spot is always the same and very specific.I'm a fairly built guy and used to pain, but these short, lightening-fast pains stop me in my tracks. I can't function for the one or two seconds they occur. I had them a couple of years ago for a period of time, but haven't had them since... until now.I've had three in the last 6 hours. Doctor couldn't help me before. Has anyone heard of this? Solution? 22 y/o male
I literally feel your pain. I get those as well and its the worst feeling ever. I had one doc tell me it was tooth related, i had another tell me it was stress related.
Im sorry I dont have an answer for you. I do know that some local hospitals offer headache studies where they actually pay you to come in and watch your brain activity. Call around or google your area to see if this is available.
Good luck.
Why do you think these headaches are stemming from your temporal lobe? It sounds more like a round of cluster headaches.
I'm having the same problem. I've been getting sharp momentary pains in the right temple area for the past couple years - maybe once every few months - but lately it's a couple times a week. The National Institute of Health web site (nih.gov) mentioned something that usually occurs in older people (50+) called temporal arteritis that could be potentially serious. I'm going to make an appointment with my physician to be on the safe side. Best of luck to you.
The pain I get now is below my right ear. The frequency comes and goes, depending on what I do. I had a few experiences in the past (about 7years ago) which was far worse, it occurred on the entire head for 3 days and I couldn't do anything but to lie in bed. I took blood test but doctor couldn't find anything and just said was virus. [ For this pain I think I finally found the cause, it might have been the cold wind that goes into my ear, pain will not be at a specific part of the brain. ]For my current pain, I suspect its the coffee that I take at my workplace (Moccana) because I've had it several times a few months ago and it went off after I stopped coffee altogether. Recently I forgot about it and had coffee on Sun (International Roast) and it was ok. It wasn't until yesterday when I took coffee at work and started having the pain again. Mine is coupled with extreme tiredness and I keep yawning. Normally the frequency of the pain reduces when I put a cold pack gel on the spot where it hurts, and goes away after I have a nights sleep. (I've read that temporal lobe is linked to visual, so that might be related as to why sleeping is better than staying awake)The pain might be called migraine, and this might tie to epilepsy, because I spoke to my aunt who has epilepsy and she has nearly the same pain that I am experiencing, only far worse than mine. (I am 24yrs/female)

Sharp chest pain?

I have been having a sharp pain in my chest. It started yesterday about 6:30 and I woke up this morning and it still hurts. It is in my left brest. It fills like there is something poking my lung everytime I take a deep breath. Can anyone help?
Although this sounds like pleuritis (inflammation of the pleura that surrounds the lung; I've had this exact type of pain), you do want to rule out myocardial infarction (heart attack). It's time to go to an urgent care center or emergency room. An EKG and possibly some bloodwork will help rule out MI.
Lets not discuss it -just go to the ER NOW !
SEE YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT NOW PLEASE! My gran had the same thing last week, ended up ignoring it and had a stroke and heart attack. Dont guess, see your doctor and find out what it is.
Go to the hospital immediatly plez go
It sounds like pneumothorax, which is effectively your lung collapsing. You need to see a doctor immediately!
Pain in your chest could be from your heart and you need to get it checked out. Better safe than sorry. Some doctor's offices do EKG's and EEG's so you might try your doctor's office first. Be sure and tell them the pain is in your chest. They might tell you to go on to the ER.
go to the hospital ! you dont want to take any chances
same as all aboveif your still alive go to the er

Shaking next day after having 2 drinks?

When I have just two alcoholic drinks during an evening, the next morning I feel lightheaded and shaky. I also had the 2 spaced far apart, had a good meal before them, and drank a big glass of water before bed. I use to drink often in college, and never had this problem with just a couple of beers. Any ideas why this is happening to me? Thanks!
Potassium.. alcohol eats the potassium in our systems.. so when you go out drinking.. before bed eat a banana.. OR the first thing in the morning.. it will help... it's also a great cure for a hang over..%26lt;w%26gt;

Sever's disease?

football starts in a month from now and i need to get in shape and i wanna run at least 4 times a wekk but i have sever's disease. ive had it over a eyar now but it has been reoccuring but before it didnt last long but now ive had it for like a month but I NEED TO GET INTO SHAPE FOR FOOTBALL!! but i need to coushin my foot a lot but yeah any ideas on how to run with this effecting me
You need to focus on stretching your gastroc (calf) muscle often...like 2-3 times a day. Hold your stretch for at least 30 seconds. Also if you went to a physical therapist they could be able to strengthen the rest of your ankle muscles and improve your balance. One last thing that is extremely important is to ice the irritated area on the back of your heel. You can do this by filling a paper cup half way with water and freezing it, then peel back the cup to expose some of the ice and rub that on the back of the heel for 4-5 mins...it will be uncomfortable but you have to push through to get the area numb. Do this after everyday and after any activity that involves running/jumping.
ouch! Try this: http://www.kidsheelpain.com/product.php...Hope you grow outta the pain!

Severe stomach ache and cramps?

i had runny nose and eyes.. then neighbour recommended an anti-allergy table.. i took it for the 1st time in my life... the runny flew stopped... but severe stomach aches have started.. these aches suddenly errupt like every 4 to 5 minutes.. and it hurts bad... feels like severe cramps.. eating food doesnt help.. been happening since 3 days... pleaseeee help :(
go see a doctor, for that duration it may develop into something serious
You really need to see a doctor and fast. My friend is in the hospital as we speak and he was having something like you're having. They still can't figure out what it is, and he's in the intensive care unit. You really need to go and find out in case it's as severe as his.
Sounds like side effects from the anti-allergy tablet.Try a Yahoo search for "side effects" + ------------ and see what you get.

Severe Pain?

I wear fake acrilic nails! Earlier 2day I hit my finger on the door and my fake nail came off as well as my REAL one!! It's so painful i almost cant take it; my finger is throbing like crazy it hurts soooooooooooooooo bad!! What should i do?? PLEASE HELP!
That sounds painful. Only thing u can do is take the strongest pain reliever u have. 2 ibuprofen maybe.Also, u could put a bandaid on it kinda snugly, might help the throbbing. Maybe put neosporin on it b4 the bandaid, will help it heal quicker.
Go to the doctor LOL, or go check in your mum's medie cab. to check if there's vicotin or something. Geez!
it'll grow back. unfortunately, it's gonna hurt like heck and be VERY tender until it does. take some tylenol for now.possibly put an ice pack on it. sorry!

Severe pain on finger joint?

my middle finger has been swollen on the joint part for about three weeks,ive had no accident or anything,now last night i woke up with the most severe pain in the finger and its swollen i cant move it ive been taking pain killers any idea what this could be?i definatly have had no injury
Yes that's how my rheumatoid arthritis started too, with both middle fingers swelling and sore. You need to be referred to a bone and joint specialist as soon as possible as they can stop this ugly disease from spreading. So the sooner you get seen to the better as its only going to keep on spreading. Cheers and good luck.
Bird flipping strain,
sports (golf injury etc)you need a digital revolution
you're either having a reaction to something, or you have artheritus (i cant spell!) go to the doctors and sort it out, drink honey and lavender tea, its helps alot with the ache
If you haven't injured it,you had better see your doctor,rheumatoid arthritis can start in fingers or feet first and needs prompt treatment ,hope it's not that though.
this is a case of infectious arthritis
you might wanna see a doctor
they might keep you in the hospital
surgery to drain fluid or foreign matieral introduced by an injury.
theyll give you physical therapy after recovery to regain full use of the joint
you should call your doctor immediatley.
It could still be a form of arthritis (the most common kind comes from regular use of the joints) as one possibility but the only way to know for sure what is going on is to have this evaluated by your dr to see what they think is going on.

Severe pain in my hand!! PLEASE help me.?

So today at work I needed to rake rugged terrain for 10 hours and now my right arm is in so much pain. I can barely type and or use it. The pain starts at the middle of my hand and goes a little past the elbow. Also both my hands/fingers cannot grip things without a massive amount of pain. Please help, this is so uncomfortable and really hurts.
ALSO, what could be wrong?!?!
buy some cheese to go with that whine.
Tendinitis. Inflammation in the main tendon in your arm. It runs all the way up your forearm. The nerves all around can hurt. You over used it today, and you did movements that were not standard.
Take an NSAID. Non-Steroidal, Anti-Inflammatory Drug. Something to help the swelling. Aspirin, Ibprofin, or Naxprin are all good. (Bayer, Advil %26 Aleve).
Next ice and compression. Ice 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. You want to take the ice off to all circulation. The ice will slow everything down a bit, but you want to let up on it so your body can bring in all the healing stuff. This is good for 48 hrs. After that, heat. Same thing 20/20.
The ice will reduce the swelling, but after 2 days heat will speed the healing.
Splint your wrist if you can. Don't move it, especially in the movements that you did when working. Also, if you injured it that bad, this could stick with you for a long time. A wrist brace for certain activities may be needed.
Good Luck.
It looks like inflamed tendon.
Rest and mild pain killers may help.If not consult an ortho.
sounds like you over exerted your arm %26 hands from raking 10 hours, especially if this is something that you do not have to do on a regular basis. try soaking yoru hands in some warm water, start out in a fist position %26 then slowly stretch out your hands and take a couple of motrin or ibuprofen to help ease the pain. It will probally hurt more tomorrow so try not to use it to much.
There is no medicine for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 90% success in treating painful diseases confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. Heat pads, mud bandage and probably massage will help.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 1 inch behind your index finger nail for dorsal side pain/ahead for front side and press it, pain will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Severe Pain IN jaw.HELP !?

I had TMJ surgery 10 years ago and threw the past couple of weeks the pain on my left side of my jaw is just getting worse and worse. its now to the point that I don't want to eat. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for the pain ? I Will literally try anything... I am in so much pain. I have recently moved so the primary care doc I have now has no "history" with me and this surgery. sighs. I hope someone has something that can help me...
In my clinical experience I'd look at more than the TMJ. I evaluate the whole body and determine how to relieve the underlying structural stress in the body.
The structural stress can be caused by a pelvic distortion and the associated muscle compensation all the way to the neck and jaw. Take off these layers of stress and the TMJ will do better.
I look at the body as a whole knowing that an area like the TMJ is influenced by other areas of the body as well as by emotions etc
In my opinion I would break the cycle by looking how the physical body influences that TMJ of yours.PS One patient had TMJD for over 40 years and came to me for body balancing which would take the stress off the TMJ.
Go see a doctor. it's the best thing to do. Don't just take anything someone recommends... It could be serious.
Ibuprofen and rest the painful side of your jaw/face on a heating pad.
Check any medications you are taking for side effects. Muscle or neck problems might be in one of them.Visit orthodontist to check your bite too. Might have changed in the past 10 years. Misaligned or improper function of jaw will cause problems when jaw parts start to overcompensate for something else. If you wear a retainer at night, you may be due for an updated one. If you do not have one, one might be needed.Over the counter pain relief is your only option until a Dr. finds a problem and prescribes a stronger narcotic until something can be done to correct the problem.At any rate, step away from the keyboard, pick up the phone and make some appointments now.In the mean time, ibuprofin if there is any swelling, then Tylenol, Aleve, or something like that for pain. Don't take them together though. Alternate every 2 to 4 hours.And of course, there's always the ER or one of those all night clinics for after hours non emergency problems if the pain becomes too much.Good luck.

Severe lower back pain?

my mom has had lower back pain near the waist its been going on for 2 weeks she went to work and went to the restroom to clean it she jumped of the toilet and she said from that day it started hurting like hell but she said she had jumped from there before and nothing happened and she landed on her feet by the way just like alwys but its sad to see her in pain I NEED HELP A.S.A.P
even if she jumps everyday you can still land wrong or move wrong. she may have just pulled a lower back muscle. ask her if she is taking anything for it. if she isnt the best thing is bayers back and body. it works miracles. if she is against taking medicines see if she will put a hot patch on the back of her back or some icy hot. that will relieve the pain for her. i hope that this helps you and i hope that she feels better.
See this site for an advanced form of chiropractic treatment.
Normally I would say use ice and take Motrin 800 milligrams for a few days. Since it's already been 2 wks-sounds like she needs to see a chiropractor
Well first she needs to go to the doctor and find out what she did to it. More than likely she has strained the muscle. What happens is over time it gets strained a little more and a little more until finally it gets to almost a breaking point per say and that is when you really feel the pain. Ice for spasms- Some pain meds to help ease it- heat after the spasms have calmed down, and then lots of rest. She may want to wear a back support for lifting that will help keep that muscle from pulling so much. Chiropractors and doctors can only do so much for strained muscles. Overtime she can build those back muscles up by doing exercises so hopefully she will have fewer injuries in the future.

Severe leg cramp after sleep, or sitting, why?

I had a fall two months ago and hit my tail bone
i would suggest that you go and see your consultant or g.p with this matter, it may well just be cramp but it may be something related to your injury, also a good remedy for cramp is when it starts take a pinch of salt, good luck and get it checked xxx
Could be a lack of potassium. Eat more bananas. :-) A bit of salt helps too. See your doctor :-) Get well :-) Take care :-) Peace!!
I used to get leg cramps all the time, especially if I drink alcohol. It's caused from lack of potassium. Eat bananas that should help.
Funny thing, I also broke my tailbone when I gave birth to my second son. It took about 6 months to heal, then I broke it again after falling off of a horse a few years later.
Your legs cramps and breaking your tailbone have nothing in common. Just eat some bananas and sit on your side hip for awhile, you'll be better soon.
No idea if it is related to your tail bone injury.1. Drink more fluids
2. Consume more potassium rich foods (bananna) and or take a daily multivitamine
3. Stretch daily
Something is blocking the flow to thelower part of your body, probably the fall has left effects. Take professional help, check with doctor. With Xray and tests they will be able to help you. You shouldn't have waited for two months. Still not too late.
if your getting leg cramps on the lower part of your legs, like on calfs and on the bottom of your feet, its not a big deal. i get them all the time. what happens is that your muscles go to sleep and you move all of a sudden and cause the muscles to jerk instead of bend. i know its painful , but its not a big deal. it's not something that could possibly be connected to your tail bone. its 2 completely different and irrelevant areas.

Severe Heartburn after tonsillectomy: is this normal? or related?

I'm a 26 year old male, I have never had heartburn in my life(not even a mild episode). I had a tonsillectomy about three weeks ago and since then I have had SEVERE heartburn(if this is even heartburn). The pain/burning begins right above my sternum and end above my adams apple. It does NOT matter what I eat or drink the burning starts and hurts, this even includes milk. Does anyone know if this is related to the tonsillectomy or what might be causing this. Also, I am in good shape(i play rugby for my college) so this is not a weight issue and again I have never had heartburn before. Please Help!
It sounds like it is irritation and or possible damage to your throat from the tube put down your throat during your surgery. I would call your surgeons office and talk to his/her nurse.GOOD LUCK!
This is definitely not normal and I would recommend having this checked out by your dr to see what they think could be causing this.

Severe Headache when changing positons?

I get a severe headache on the left side of my head whenever i stand from sitting or laying down which lasts for little less than a minute. What's causing it and how can I relieve the pain? Should i see the doctor about it?
Yes you should see the doctor about it . it can be a blood rush ... its when you stand or sit suddenly blood rushes to your head or from your head causing this sensation...!
I would definately see a doctor about it. It might be because of sudden movement or something...but I would defiantely go to find out.
blood pressure or migrane...sure you must see a physician
go see your doctor..any pain that you dont know what the cause is from you should go see the doctor
I've gotten those kind of headaches for years---and it hasn't killed me yet. I know how you feel. So sorry. I don't know what causes them. Sometimes I have that kind of headache and that's all it is.sometimes it leads to a migraine... and sometimes it turns into a sinus headache. Good luck.
No, docs hardly know about it, only acupuncturist will treat it.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Severe Headache lasting over a month?

OK, first off I have suffered from migraines since I was 14 gettign them about 1-2 a month or fewer. In Feb I was Diag with type 2 diabetes and had my gallbladder out 2 months ago... anyway 4 weeks ago I got this headache over my temples (different from MY migraines) took firocet (nothing) took ultram (nothing) wound up in the ER.. after 12 mg of morphine headache went from 9 to a 4. sent me home with vicodin and told me to see pcp. manged to keep headache under 6 with the vicodin. and pcp says no reason it's your sugar (checked my sugar at the ER 122 ) not my sugar BP 130/80 not my bp... I changed drs when she refused to listen to me. new doc is baffeled. this is a constant pain over both tmeples steady pressure, and behind my eyes worsening with extreme eye movement, or closing, I am dizzy and as of today am having visual distubances. (BP and sugar still ok) pain is also worse if I bend over, please help i can't deal with this anylonger
keep your appointment with your doctor. continue to keep your headache diary and ask for a neurology referral.
i watched this one thing on t.v
a dude who had been having non-stop headaches went to the Doctor and it appeared he had a brain tumor.sooo that could probably be it...but don't take my word...it just is a coincidence
Sounds like a sinus infection to me. If your BP isn't normally that high it could be your BP causing the headache, but those are usually in the back of the neck. You might need a CT of the head or an MRI of the head to find out if you have a clot or something going on.
I guess it is possible it could be TMJ--temporomandbular joint diseasae, a problem with your jaw joint up by your temples. The doctor should know how to check for this; if not the dentist will know. The pain while bending over is usually a sign of sinus infection. An X-ray of your head should show if the sinuses are open or clogged up.
We have treated 15 - 20 yrs cases.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Severe Foot Pain Please Help?

This is kind of hard to explain. I am a Housekeeper and I am on my feet all day 5 days a week. A few weeks ago I began getting severe pains in the bottoms of my feet. My right one is the worst. Now it is to the point of Not even being able to put my body weight on it. I still go to work everyday and do my normal work day. By the time I get off work the Severe pain comes back in my feet. I limp every where because I cant put weight on my Right Foot. Also Now I am getting the Pain up into My Right Ankle now. Help! What could be wrong?
I have rested My feet on Every day off I have but it doesn't help!
It sounds like it's probably plantar faciatis. The plantar fascia runs along the bottom of the foot and can get inflamed and painful for a few reasons like high arches, flat feel, wearing cheap shoes that lack good support. If you don't want to see a podiatrist right away for custom shoe inserts you can try some things first. Pick up inserts with arch support from your local cvs/walgreens (dr. schols are good ones). Twice a day put 2 cold cans of soda on the floor and roll them back and forth using the entire length of your foot (this stretches and helps with inflammation). Stretch your calves daily as well. If after doing this for a week you still are not feeling better you will have to see a podiatrist. Good luck.
It sounds like gout, see your doctor, there are medications.
I am on my feet all day at my work also. I had very similar pain and the Doctor had me put Heel Cups in my shoes and take Advil for a few days. The pain went away in about a week
I keep the heal cups in all the time I am working now.
Gout normally strikes near the big toe, and it's a result of a long-term high-Purine diet (beans, lentils, organ meats, shellfish, etc.). You can make sure of it by getting a Uric Acid test. Too much U.A. in your blood? You have gout. Yes, there is medication for it, so it's a waste of pain. A few days of 300mg Allopurinol (your doctor will prescribe it for you if your blood test shows you need it) and you''ll be OK, BUT you need to take it for a few weeks probably, AND modify your diet.Another possibility is a "Heel Spur". This is pain in the heel from a hardened heel tendon (I believe). Can't tell you much more about that.WebMD has a symptom checker if you want to go through it.

Severe cramps in feet and legs?

my friend suffers badly with cramps.i stayed at hers other night.she was up all night with cramp and i tried to help her rub it away as it was even in places she cudnt stretch.as one bit of cramp went,then another appeared.she was in that much pain she was crying.it only seems to happen at night but shes getting no sleep and the up for work.any answers or advice please.she also suffers with polysystic kidneys.at the moment shes ok but the dr at hospital says shel need dialysis in the next 16mnths.could it be related?shes on blood pressure tablets.could that be related?shes been on quinnine off dr but that didnt help.i dont go out drinking often as i have a 11yr old but when i do,without fail,becos ive had alcohol,i get cramp when i go to sleep and as much as i like to go out,i dont look forward to that,so i can only imagine how my friend feels.
Try placing an unwrapped bar of soap between the sheets next to the feet and legs. Do not use Ivory soap, but almost anything else will work. I don't know how or why this works, but it does. I get horrible leg and foot cramps, and the unwrapped soap works every time. If the cramps return, replace the soap. You need a fresh bar about every three months. Try it, you have nothing to lose.
try potassium
Oh dear.Yes, it could be related. Ordinarily I would suggest a b-complex supplement or extra potassium. But I'm not sure how that would react with her medicines or her condition.Meanwhile, she might try stretching exercises for her feet and legs so they don't cramp. And talk to her doctor about this.Good luck!
Depending on the type of pills she takes for her high blood pressure these can be the cause of the cramp. She should talk to her doctor about changing them!
Can she take "Crampex" tablets alongside her medication? My husband suffers, too, and he swears by them.
Extra calcium may help but check it out with her doctor.
I feel so sorry for your friend. I have three thoughts that may or may not help:
1. I get cramps when I have a lot of calcium, milk, soya milk, cheese, yoghurt.
2. A low protein diet can be helpful for dickie kidneys.
3, Chlorine is a poison. It is in our drinking water. Try boiling the water before drinking it. This removes a lot of the chlorine. Filtering the water before boiling may help even more.Good luck and best wishes
I can sugesst you to take some medicine of homoeopathic which is available at homoeopathic stores please get (mag phos 30) 1 dracham pills and take only 3 pills before or after 1/2 after food four times a day . and about your friend please mail to me about his blood urea and creatinine and full CBC and other test levels which ever is taken so far the recent reports would help me to sugesst some thing whic can relieve only this cramps.
my id is drsripriyabhms@yahoo.com
check this link:
http://answers.google.com/answers/thread...i hope that helps
I am sure the cramps are from the blood pressure tablets my mum just started taking them and they had the same effects on her but only lasted for the first week and then wore off. if you check the leaflet for the medicine it does state that this is one of the side effects.

Severe back pain question?

I have a severe back painin the lower back that is getting worse every day. Three days ago I felt a mild pain and ignored it. Two days ago the pain got worse, yesterday it got so bad that could not even bend forward and today I can barely walk. I applied pain relieving balms and patches and the pain does not go away. I don't know what could have caused it caused it. Does anyone know what could be causing my severe lower back pain and what can I do to try to relieve it.
If nothing you have done has helped then it's time to go see the doctor. Take a pain reliever until you can get in to see him/her.
Don't go to a chiropractor go to an orthopedist doctor, i just blew my back out at work and need Rx drugs to help. You could have a serious problem if you dont.
need more info... but, a person can actually herniate a disc(slipped disc) by bending over to pick up a bar of soap in the shower. you could have a back spasm, muscle strain, etc. for ex. a patient was walking next to me and started to fal so I caught him and we slid down the wall together. i had no injury at all, til the next day i could barley move and it took about 4-7 days to get better. if you have any numbness or tingling see your MD ASAP. if no better in the next few days then you will need to see your MD anyway. best of luck to you. Oh yeah, take some advil OTC meds.
Go to your doctor NOW. Pain is an indication that something is wrong. You could have a kidney infection or any number of other medical problems.We all ignore mild pains but severe pain needs medical intervention. Please do not wait - seek professional medical help now.
You might have pulled a muscle. try taking hot showers and take advil it's very good for muscle aches. also don't do anything strenuous. If this doesn't help you should make an appointment with your doctor to see if it might be a kidney infection it's nothing to worry about he'll give you antibiotics to clear it up. Oh one more thing , maybe you need a new mattress if it's old it will cause backaches. Good luck and feel better.
Many things could have caused it so it鈥檚 hard to pin point it exactly. I would suggest going to a doctor to get some pain pills and muscle relaxers and then head to the chiropractor. After your first visit with a chiropractor you will definitely feel a little better. Also try heat for the pain; hot baths work the best. Try doing some stretches for your back that will also help; hold each stretch 20 to 30 seconds and don鈥檛 bounce. Here is a link for some spray that works really well and it numbs your back within seconds. Good luck. http://the-therapy-connection.com/biofre...
Lower back pain could be due to a number of factors. You may have a slight fracture and not realise it, have carried heavy stuff, bad sitting position whilst working or watching TV, if you're elderly it could be that the disc between the vertebrae is thinning due to wear and tear. It may also be due to arthritis, tumours or inflammation.Best to check up with orthopaedic surgeon or physiotherapist. I suffer the same problem and taking an Indian herbal preparation plus antioxidants help reduce the pain. Slow back exercises help to strengthen the back.
Could be kidney stones.Try drinking 2, 3 or even 4 glasses of water and if the pain disappears after an hour or less then it is probably kidney stones.Kidney stones simply love water and if you give them what they want in large amounts then they stop harassing you (temporarily).

Severe abdominal pain cuased by narcotics?

I have had injuries and suffered from migraines over the years which have resulted in numerous ED visits over the last twenty years. So I have had the experience of receiving several different narcotics. My 1st experience with this pain that I am inquiring about occured back in the 80's when I took a codeine for a migraine. Within about 20 minutes I began having abdominal pain that eventually was much worse than the migraine. I was hunched over with a spasm, twisting, squeezing type of pain which I ended up going to the ED for. I was also nauseated and very sweaty. At first the ED staff thought I was having a heart attack but that ended up being ruled out. The pain eventually went away over a period of hours when some other narcotic was administered. Nobody was ever able to tell me what the pain was caused from other than I should not take codeine again.
Since then I have had the same reaction to other narcotics (oral AND IV form). They include percocet, dilaudid, fentanyl, darvocet.
Hi.....Allot of narcotics can cause sever abdominal pain, in less sever cases, they usually give something for constipation, and or diarrhea. It seems you have a real adversion to any of them. Are you taking these pills with food? Sometime crushing them up in a drink of your choosing will ease the ride through your system. GOOD LUCK....LATER..
Opiate narcotics, like the ones you are currently taking, cause constipation when taken over short periods. If they gave you far too many or you are allergic, the opiate may have acted on the receptor that controls the diaphragm, as well as the receptor that controls pain. This is different from constipation. Do you have a larger than normal stomach, when this happens? If so, suggest this theory to your primary care physician.
same thing happens to my husband and he is allergic to cod.
There is no medicine for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy.
A glass of warm water + 1/2 lemon juice + (little ginger paste if you get) will solve your problem within few minutes.
Continue with L.W. or citrus fruits for 3 days or till you feel good hunger.
Fast on cocoanut water for a day or three if there is chronic constipation will vanish both the problems.
Aglass of buttermilk five times a day (not sour) will also solve the problems.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.
hi, it sounds like you have postcholecystectomy syndrome. my friend and i have a webgroup sphincterofoddi_pancreatitis. im a nurse with chronic pancreatitis and my friend started having pains after her gall bladder was removed. i think yours was removed? in any case, if codeine caused what it did, you are having spasms in your biliary tract for sure, especially the pancreas. come in a read we have a big library. i would like for u to get help and this is the best way.goodluck;)michele ps-we are in yahoo health groups (im dumb(puter wise) so i cant really wite the link=lol))

Seriously, why does my elbow hurt when I use my mouse?

It hurts after a short time of activity.
I get it occasionally too. Doctor told me it is inflamed muscles and tendons from the same position.
put somthin like small pillow under your elbow.it may decrease the pain.maybe you gotta give a massage or hit it with a small thing like spoon.
carpal tunal? tennis elbow?

Seriously, is there a way to get rid of a Migraine...?

before it gets started. I feel one coming on. But, I've never found anything to stop them before they get bad. I can't take the Imitrex and a few other like it...is there anything else that someone knows of?I have the aurora starting now...I know the signs (unfortunately).
Thank you!
You can try the Excedrin Migrane pills. Take two of those with two benedryl. Sit in the dark where it's quiet. Also an ice pack wouldn't hurt. This is all that works for my aunt who also has migranes. Good luck.
Caffeine is an excellent vasoconstrictor. In fact, it is a primary ingredient in some migraine medications.
It is hard because you really have to catch them before they even start. The one thing that my husband uses and most of the time it works is to take 3 Migraine Excenderins and downs them with lots of Mountain Dew or any high caffeine drink, lays down in a dark room with a cool cloth to his head and hopes and prays it goes away. Sometimes the throwing up will release that pressure inside there too when it gets too bad.
I used to get what I thought were migraines and tried imetrix, etc. I found that I was grinding/clenching my teeth and had no idea. My headache would come on HOURS after I woke up so I never made the connection. I bought a mouth guard that you can mold yourself at walgreens for about $20 and it has made all the difference. I rarely get headaches anymore (except when I nap without my guard). A guard from a dentist can cost several hundred dollars, so I recommend trying one from the pharmacy first to see if it helps. Good luck!
I don't know if this will work for a migraine, but it works great for a regular headache. Have someone rub their hands together and then place their left hand on your forehead and their right thumb and pointer finger high on the back of your skull. Have them press really hard with their right fingers and draw their fingers down toward your back. Do this three times and then have them put their right hand, palm this time, on the back of your neck again and push. Slowly release both hands after about 10 seconds.
Maybe go to sleep before it gets there...?
Hey,Try the new stuff called Head On. There is a special kind that is just for migraines. You might also try alternating hot and cold packs on the back of your neck. While you are having a migraine, try to relax your shoulders and neck as much as possible. I know where you are coming from. I used to have cycle migraines every month, and I would have to go to the emergency room and get an iv before it would go away. Mine were so bad that the whole left side of my face would go numb and would draw like I was having a stroke. Anyway, my doctor put me on anaprox 10 days before my cycle. I take the anaprox two times per day, and I haven't had a migraine in four months. Maybe you should talk with your doctor.Best of luck
Try a Yahoo search for migraine + treatment (OR cures OR remedies) and see what you get.
My mum is also a migraine sufferer and she simply pops Ponstan when she feels one coming her way. Other than that, get sufficient rest and try to clear your mind of any undue stress! :D
I get migraines frequently. I've found out that if I feel one coming on, I take excedrin migraine. But the only thing that helps me is to lie down, and try to sleep. Any noise will make your head pound even harder, so i usually out earplugs in. It may seem weird, but just try to sleep.
try relaxing,
I had migraines until I had my upper teeth taken out...they were pressing on the sinus nerves there...this is something you can have checked...also take a 81 asperin daily...it helps prevent them...once they start follow what musicpunker55 said.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.
massaging your nerve endings helps
have you ever tried this web site
they have a bunch of stuff on there
it might have something for you...
I have suffered for years with them. Someone told me to try taking 4 Advil and 2 sudefed { in my state you have to sign for it at the drug store} Get the one that has Nasal Decongestant. Go in a cool dark room and either put a cold rag or an ice pack on the back of your neck. This did help me I was surprised. Another thing I have tried that has worked is Excedrin Tension Headache. This is a wonder drug. I feel for you, Good Luck.

Serious question: Crying has made my head ache- What's the fastest way to make it stop?

I've spent the past four hours crying and i know my head hurts because of dehydration. i'm drinking a lot of water, but it still hurts like hell and i have to go to work! Is there anything i can eat or drink that will help my head feel better quickly??
I used to lay down with a cool, damp cloth over my eyes.The best stuff for headaches for me is the stuff labeled "migraine strength." But it has some aspirin in it. And aspirin can iritate your stomach. And when I'd cry for hours, my stomach would hurt, too. But if you don't have stomach pain, the migraine strength stuff should work well. Or take one aspirin %26 one tylenol with a can of coke (for the caffeine) and crackers (to buffer the irritating effects of the aspirin.Best of luck. I hope it's a long while before you have something make you cry like that again.
Put a cool cloth over your eyes for a bit %26 take some Tylenol or Advil.I've never come across anyone that got dehydrated from crying... but whatever floats your boat.
Fast action Tylenol. They come in these red and blue pills. I needed them a lot for the same thing, when I moved out and was missing my mom.
Goodies Headache powder
First of all, calm down. Then, take either tylenol or aleve. Next, use some eye drops in your eyes and wash your face with a wet cloth. Just hold the wet cloth on your face for like 10-15 minutes. Hopefully, this should help you with your headache. Good luck!

Serious Medical Question?

What's that pink thing that sometimes sticks out of a dog's penis?
that is his penis, the hairy flesh is the shaft and covering, the working part is the pink thing.
that is his penis and it sticks out of skin that covers it but the penis is the pink bit.
lol thats hella funny I thought it was a really serious medical condition!! lol
That "pink" thing IS his penis.
What you see as his penis is really the penis with the glans covering it. Similar to a guy without a circumcision.
When a dog becomes 'excited' the penis will protrude. No problem unless it stays that way and then I would recommend calling the Vet just to ask.

Septum Percing - Hurt Alot?

hey everyone,ive been wanting to get my septum pierced for at least 3 years now. (yes im a wuss)ive heard it is pretty uncomfortable to get it pierced, eye-watering even as its a sensitive part to be pierced.what is the pain level like?i know everyone has a different pain tolerance, but in general.it the pain enough to go "ouch"?and does the needle slide through easily or is a bit more extra force needed
(even tri-bevelled needles struggle sometimes)ive got:
5 left ear piercings (stung)
2 lip (snake-bites) (didnt feel anything)
1 top right ear (ow lol)any advice welcomed
(apart from saying i need to go to talk to the piercers, they doesn't like to tell you about it too much)
For me it didn't hurt at all. Everyone I know that has had a septum has said that they didn't hurt at all if they did hurt is wasn't very bad. The reason people say that they hurt is because the piercer has pierced their cartilage. Septums shouldn't hurt very much if at all if the piercer finds your "sweet spot". Sometimes that spot is not very big and then they have to nip a little cartilage but they prefer not to. They heal better and they are much more comfortable when they pierce no cartilage. Your eyes will water but with any piercing close to the eyes (mainly nostril and septum) watering is expected. The needle should go through easily. If you do get your septum make sure to keep it clean to prevent an infection.Aftercare:
Use a mild (unscented) antibiotic soap to clean the piercing while in or just after a shower. After the soap use a sea salt solution. Dip the piercing into the cup or pre-soak a fresh tissue, cotton-ball, or swab in the sea salt solution and firmly press it on your piercing. The first sea salt soak should last at least 10 minutes. All additional soaks should last at least 5-10 minutes.Also make sure to keep it clean even after completely healed. Most people say an infection of the septum is extremely painful and something you would want to avoid.Good Luck!!
I expect you feel like a pin cushion now!! You should have been born in a village in India thats what the viullagers used to do!!
I should imagine it is one of the more sensitive parts to pierce!! Eye watering - yes. Anything comes near my nose it makes me sneeze and my eyes water!
No, but a pierced knob stings a bit
Bit eye watering, but I found having top ear pierced hurt a lot more. Needle seemed to go through ok. Go for it


i had a septoplast and a turbinate reduction done, my upper teeth and lower front teeth hurt realy bad is that normal it feels as if i had braces on or something just painfull
I would guess it is normal. Did you not receive after care instructions and pain medication from your DDS?I would call and talk to his/hers assistance and ask them this question. There could be an infection that is causing the pain thus not be normal.GOOD LUCK!
Yeah it's normal cuz it's all connected

Sensation of heat on the back of my wrist . . .?

For a couple days now, I have been getting a feeling of heat on the back of my right wrist, every few hours, that lasts for about thirty seconds. Any ideas? It feels like I just rubbed muscle rub or Tiger Balm on my arm.
I agree with love my garden. Sounds like a dermal nerve. If it's the right wrist, put the mouse down and slowly back away. lol. If it gets any worse, DO see a Dr.
it sounds like a rash. not all rashes are visible and that exact same thing happens to me all the time. rub an anti-itch cream on it and you'll be fine. it's no big deal.
could you have RSI ? If you do repetitive wrist movements you can aggravate the nerve and that's very painful. Resting your wrist and avoiding the repetitiveness helps Do some research on Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. that's another thing that gives the same pain.

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