Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Severe cramps in feet and legs?

my friend suffers badly with cramps.i stayed at hers other night.she was up all night with cramp and i tried to help her rub it away as it was even in places she cudnt stretch.as one bit of cramp went,then another appeared.she was in that much pain she was crying.it only seems to happen at night but shes getting no sleep and the up for work.any answers or advice please.she also suffers with polysystic kidneys.at the moment shes ok but the dr at hospital says shel need dialysis in the next 16mnths.could it be related?shes on blood pressure tablets.could that be related?shes been on quinnine off dr but that didnt help.i dont go out drinking often as i have a 11yr old but when i do,without fail,becos ive had alcohol,i get cramp when i go to sleep and as much as i like to go out,i dont look forward to that,so i can only imagine how my friend feels.
Try placing an unwrapped bar of soap between the sheets next to the feet and legs. Do not use Ivory soap, but almost anything else will work. I don't know how or why this works, but it does. I get horrible leg and foot cramps, and the unwrapped soap works every time. If the cramps return, replace the soap. You need a fresh bar about every three months. Try it, you have nothing to lose.
try potassium
Oh dear.Yes, it could be related. Ordinarily I would suggest a b-complex supplement or extra potassium. But I'm not sure how that would react with her medicines or her condition.Meanwhile, she might try stretching exercises for her feet and legs so they don't cramp. And talk to her doctor about this.Good luck!
Depending on the type of pills she takes for her high blood pressure these can be the cause of the cramp. She should talk to her doctor about changing them!
Can she take "Crampex" tablets alongside her medication? My husband suffers, too, and he swears by them.
Extra calcium may help but check it out with her doctor.
I feel so sorry for your friend. I have three thoughts that may or may not help:
1. I get cramps when I have a lot of calcium, milk, soya milk, cheese, yoghurt.
2. A low protein diet can be helpful for dickie kidneys.
3, Chlorine is a poison. It is in our drinking water. Try boiling the water before drinking it. This removes a lot of the chlorine. Filtering the water before boiling may help even more.Good luck and best wishes
I can sugesst you to take some medicine of homoeopathic which is available at homoeopathic stores please get (mag phos 30) 1 dracham pills and take only 3 pills before or after 1/2 after food four times a day . and about your friend please mail to me about his blood urea and creatinine and full CBC and other test levels which ever is taken so far the recent reports would help me to sugesst some thing whic can relieve only this cramps.
my id is drsripriyabhms@yahoo.com
check this link:
http://answers.google.com/answers/thread...i hope that helps
I am sure the cramps are from the blood pressure tablets my mum just started taking them and they had the same effects on her but only lasted for the first week and then wore off. if you check the leaflet for the medicine it does state that this is one of the side effects.

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