Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should ciggarettes, cigars be illegal?

should it because ciggarettes dont only harm the smoker but other people around the smoker. if they were illegal it could save alot of peoples lifes. second hand smoke is so dangerous too. if you take the cigarettes away it elimanates first and secondhand.
omg yes! they should definitely be illegal...they harm more than just the person smoking but the ppl around them and if drugs are illegal (cuz they are addicting) then cigarettes should b illegal too
no...if cigarettes are made to be illegal...you'd better make alcohol illegal too.why not make cars illegal too...they kill a lot of innocent poeple. We have to be able to make choices. I think as a society we are starting to see that smokins is bad but we are banning poeple from smoking in public places but not making it illegal so they can't even smoke in their own homes. PS I am a previous smoker who has quit for 8 years...I don't like smoke anymore but you have to look at the bigger picture, and we all have our own choices to make.
I'd vote for it. I'm fine with people pursuing whatever makes them happy, even if it's unhealthy and stupid, but if it hurts other people, you gotta draw the line.
No. Because booze is worse than smoking any day! Smoking doesn't impair your senses. Booze does. And if booze is legal then smoking should be.
yes because they are real killers to innocent people, for example BOTH my grandpas had lung cancer and passed away at young ages
i think it should be illegal to smoke in restaurants, bowling alleys, etc.
No.they get a LOT of money off tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes and chew). They'll never make them illegal--they'll just keep raising taxes on them.I used to smoke. Heck my whole family used to smoke. We figured out in 1 year, we saved a total of $13,104 by not buying cigarettes.I know second-hand smoke is dangerous. Just do the best you can to stay away from it. Stop patronizing restaurants that have smoking sections. Other than that, there really is no where else you get second-hand smoke. Unless you live with a smoker. Can't help you there.
Definately, if tobacco products were not manufactured then maybe us smokers could stop!
In no way less legal than alcohol.Or weed.Or fast cars.Or anything else that makes this life a bit less dull. Let us smoke.
Yes and don't forget that alcohol is a class A narcotic
As much as I would like to say yes because I probably hate the smell of cigarette smoke more than all of you guys answering this question combined, no I do not think so. I think people have to make their own decisions, you say it effects innocent people, maybe if there were just tighter restrictions on it, like you can't smoke in a house or car with minors in it, you cannot smoke in public unless in a designated smoking area, which would be an enclosed ventilated room, in malls and other large areas. You are right , but heck, if they want to kill themselves, good riddance!
What effects on society are you willing to deal with if you make it illegal? The mob would never have gained the power it did without prohibition. If you make tobacco illegal, then you will create a whole new class of criminals. How many of your friends who smoke are you willing to put in jail for smoking? How much in taxes are you willing to pay to support people in jail for tobacco use? You can forbid smoking around other people in public places, but you cannot legislate private morality. Any time it's been tried, it has failed miserably. Look at the "war" on drugs!
Smoking kills more people than alcohol 40,000 people die every year from second hand smoke
Only 17,000 die in DUI accidents
400,000 US people die from smoking every year
24% die from lung cancer that never smoked
SIDS Might be caused by second hand smoke Me I gave up a 5 pack a day habit, I am on oxygen I don't want smokers anywhere near me
who told you secondhand smoke was harmful?The people who dont want you to blame your lung cancer on air pollution. Its reported that being around secondhand smoke for 30 minutes or less a day in a severly congested room, is completely reversible.
No, but self-righteous people should be criminalized.
it should but the government is getting so much in tax money they can't unlegalized them

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