Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sharp Pain on Left Side (right under rib)?

This just started for me: I'll get this horrible sharp pain under my left lowest rib. It is brought on when I take a breath in. It will last for about 30 seconds to a minute. Each time I take a breath, it gets worse until I can breath in enough and it stops. I researched online and found my exact symptoms and it's called precardial catch syndrome. Anyone hear of this? is it related to gas? Is it dangerous. I can't see going to the doc right now...it doesn't happen all the time. I think he'll look at me like i'm crazy!
i am not 100% sure if what you have is a pericardial catch syndrome, or something else. i too would experience that once in a while, usually after some exertion or excercise. pericardial catch syndrome is rather a serious diagnosis which may lead to all other heart conditions. but, in my medical-surgical class, we have another explanation for that.the muscles which hug our rib cage comes layers and usually
shoot from different directions, more like overlapping plates of stretched muscle fibers. sometimes, some of the inner muscles come out of aligment and may cause to in-fold and kink, when this happens, the moment you breath, you will feel a sharp tearing or stabbing pain usually on the lower portions of your rib cage. the pain can sometimes be so painful your whole body stops moving and you stop breathing as well, for fear of making the pain get worse. sometimes you feel as if you need to bend over to the affected side, because when you breath, it feels as if your lungs cannot expand as well and your side feels like tearing.whenever this happens, do not panic. instead, put a finger or two to the site of the pain, and slowly massage it while breathing slowly. keep massaging until you feel the tension gives out and the initial pain subsides. relax and no sudden movements. just breath deeply and relax.but, if the pain persists and this happens like constantly, then go see a doctor. especially if after the initial pain, you feel some numbness.
it could be wind painmaybe a kidney stonegoto your hospital and seek medical attention...goodluck

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