Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Severe Pain IN jaw.HELP !?

I had TMJ surgery 10 years ago and threw the past couple of weeks the pain on my left side of my jaw is just getting worse and worse. its now to the point that I don't want to eat. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for the pain ? I Will literally try anything... I am in so much pain. I have recently moved so the primary care doc I have now has no "history" with me and this surgery. sighs. I hope someone has something that can help me...
In my clinical experience I'd look at more than the TMJ. I evaluate the whole body and determine how to relieve the underlying structural stress in the body.
The structural stress can be caused by a pelvic distortion and the associated muscle compensation all the way to the neck and jaw. Take off these layers of stress and the TMJ will do better.
I look at the body as a whole knowing that an area like the TMJ is influenced by other areas of the body as well as by emotions etc
In my opinion I would break the cycle by looking how the physical body influences that TMJ of yours.PS One patient had TMJD for over 40 years and came to me for body balancing which would take the stress off the TMJ.
Go see a doctor. it's the best thing to do. Don't just take anything someone recommends... It could be serious.
Ibuprofen and rest the painful side of your jaw/face on a heating pad.
Check any medications you are taking for side effects. Muscle or neck problems might be in one of them.Visit orthodontist to check your bite too. Might have changed in the past 10 years. Misaligned or improper function of jaw will cause problems when jaw parts start to overcompensate for something else. If you wear a retainer at night, you may be due for an updated one. If you do not have one, one might be needed.Over the counter pain relief is your only option until a Dr. finds a problem and prescribes a stronger narcotic until something can be done to correct the problem.At any rate, step away from the keyboard, pick up the phone and make some appointments now.In the mean time, ibuprofin if there is any swelling, then Tylenol, Aleve, or something like that for pain. Don't take them together though. Alternate every 2 to 4 hours.And of course, there's always the ER or one of those all night clinics for after hours non emergency problems if the pain becomes too much.Good luck.

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