Sunday, October 25, 2009

REALLY bad sunburn?

So, I have a terribly bad sunburn on both my shoulders, though my left shoulder is worse, from being out in the sun for 8 hours. My shoulders are almost a purplish color and my left one is all lumpy and disgusting from blisters. I don't mean one or two blisters here and there, I mean my shoulder is like, a lumpy mess. I can't sleep for more than a half an hour at a time at night because the front and back of my shoulders both hurt and it's impossible to lay down like that.Does anyone know the best thing to put on a sunburn like that?I tried some aloe vera aftersun thing, and it's not helping a bit. I also heard putting vinegar on blisters helps, but I hear it hurts really bad.any ideas?
Noxzema Is one of the best treatments for sunburn. Your sunburn sounds very severe. I feel you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Never go in the sun without sun block. Skin cancer is the most common cancer nowadays.
OUCH !! I haven't been burned like that since I was a kid but I can still remember the misery.
My mom used to use Noxema.. the kind in the blue tub... she slathered it all over our burn.. it cooled - and made it easier for us to rest.
I hope this helps and that you can find some relief !! Cheers,
Go to the doctor - you need some professional-strength help!
You're in danger of bad infection, and it sounds like you need some real painkillers.
dam! it sounds as if you where almost cooked alive under the sun. i suggest you buy skin medicene from the hospital asap
GO TO THE DOCTOR!! You have a serious burn that needs medical attention.
keep up with the aloe. your skins is so dry and hot right now that it soaks up everything that touches it. but you have to keep moisterizing it so it doesnt get worse. aloe is very good for you b/c it produces positive medicinal benefits for healing damaged skin. use hydriants that have plenty of vitamin e, drink plenty of water, and use a cool towel sooth the pain for now. trust me im a red head, ive been through it. and avoid the sun until you heal!
That is called Sun Poison. It is the ugly, mean older brother of sunburn. I had it bad one time like you but equally bad on both shoulders. Get some soothing Aloe Vera gel, that helped mine a little. But its just gonna plain hurt for awhile. I feel your pain on not being able to sleep and I'm sure a shower is torture. Don't worry just try and relax and keep them uncovered. If you have to have fabric on them put gauze over top the blisters(you dont want them popping then sticking to your shirt- peeling them off is excruiating, the gauze isnt as bad). And just wait it out. If you start to feel sick or dizzy, or any vomiting occurs go see a doctor. Other than that be prepared for about another 4-5 days of hell and some mild scarring. I learned my lesson, and I'm sure you will too. Hope you feel better. Sorry the aloe vera didn't help you what ever I had helped a good deal, I just dont remember the brand or name.
If the skin isn't broken then I suggest you get some raw potatoes and scrape the insides out until you enough to cover the area in a 1/4 to 1/2 inch layer. put it on and have someone loosely wrap a cloth over it to keep it against your skin. It will fell better than any of the over the counter stuff and will be dirt cheap. You can feel free to change the mass of potatoes if the area starts hurting again. But only do this if you skin is still intact. If the blisters have started to pop then its too late for this and it could cause an infection. If you had done it the moment you got the sun burn it would have likely kept you from getting blistered like you did but too late for that benefit.
i would go to the doctor.
it sounds like you have sun poisoning
You need to see a doctor first. It sounds like you are beyond over the counter. Your doctor will likely provide you a script for 5% Lidocaine gel to put on your burn area's to help numb the burning and iritation. This will help a lot with the discomfort, but not make the burns go away. Your best bet is to see a doctor.
Good luck

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