Saturday, October 31, 2009


if you have scoliosis can you still travel...i have a 25 degree
Of course you can. Thats like asking if you can travel with tennis elbow. Just visit an orthopedic doctor or chiropractor to get it corrected or treated.
I dont see why not...
talk to a physician. it's safer than stranger online
yes. I have scoliosis and i just went on a church trip that lasted 12 hours. just make sure u bring a pillow!
Shouldn't effect travel. I suppose if you have to sit for long periods of time on a bus, train or plane it could be uncomfortable or even painful but if you can bear the discomfort then there's no reason not to go.
When in doubt consult your specialist.
yes you can still travel, just make sure you take something thats going to make you feel comfortable.
yes. there is no restriction for traveling for someone with scoliosis
and then maybe get a massage when you get there =)
Yes You should be able to.I would make sure you have a Pillow to put be hind your Back if it wold start to hurt.My Daughter is 15 and she only has a 5% curve at the Moment.She gets checked every year to see if it has changed.I would say bring along some Extra strength Tylenol to take if you would start to hurt.
You can travel. No reason why you can't. If you have surgery where they put metals rods or pins in your back, then there's a chance you might set off metal detectors when you travel, but slim chance. I have rods in my back and never have had any problems.

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