I have a really bad sunburn and i just noticed i have blisters on my shoulder.I've had it the sunburn since tuesday...so yesterday..damn time flys lol.Anyways im a redhead and irish with really fare skin and freckles so of course my friend gets darker and i get a sunburn and more freckles lol SOOO i just noticed i have blisters forming on my arms and what does that mean...like is it really bad.And I feel tired and sick to my stomach.What can i do for it?
damn aussie you really do have that answer on autopilot. lucky number 3. how much mileage do you get out of one generic answer anyways?you sound dehydrated. drink more water and use sunscreen next time.
If you are feeling nauseous you may have mild sun poisoning. Get to a doctor, and please, especially with your complexion, avoid the sun in the future! These bad burns, especially over time, will lead to skin cancer!Good luck--this is painful as hell and I hope you feel better soon. Frankly, nothing is going to make it feel better except time and perhaps prescribed medication by your medical professional. Sorry!
banana boat aloe vera gel has topical anesthetic that really helps alleviate the pain as well as healing your skin. I hope you feel better!
What you have, my dear, is known as a second degree burn. This is the most painful kind of burn because it's the most damage your skin can handle without killing the nerve endings. In the future, I would suggest you acknowledge your limitations when it comes to sunlight and take proper precautions when in the sun. Red heads and other fair skinned folks are only a step away from the sensitivity to light that an albino suffers from. What you need to do is go to your local pharmacy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc... and pick up pure aloe gel. Keep the gel on your skin and keep your skin cool to help with the pain. I would suggest aiming a fan at your burn with the gel on it in order to help keep it cool, because your burn will be radiating a LOT of heat. Depending on how bad it is, you may even want to go to the hospital and have a doctor look at it. What you have is the same kind of injury you'd get in a fire. I'm just amazed you didn't notice the pain while you were out in th sun. Again, I would HIGHLY recommend you use proper precautions when in the sun in the future. Those with fair skin, liek yours, run a higher risk of skin cancer. UV rays will actually mutate the DNA in your skin cells, and if your cells don't terminate and end up forming more cells, that will be the beginnings of cancer. Take better care of your body in the future. It's the only one you'll ever get.
Sounds like you have second-degree burns. I've had it from the sun, and it is NO FUN! The tired and sick to your stomach part may be psychological, but as far as I know you CAN get some kind of sun poisoning, especially if you're fair-skinned. I don't know if it has started yet, but the blistered areas will probably begin to itch real bad before too long. Don't scratch it! Stop it!! If it does, fill you up a warm bath (no soap!), and generously sprinkle some baking soda in it. Lay in there for about half an hour or so. You can't really do a whole lot else but wait it out. No lotions, because you want the blisters to dry out and peel away as fast as possible. You're probably gonna be miserable for about a week or better. But next time I bet $5 you'll use a higher SPF sunblock!
Use tea! I know it sounds kinda funny but it works. Brew a large pot of strong tea and then apply it to the sunburn using a washcloth (a dark one since tea stains).
I know it sounds kinda funny but it does work.
The best is to see a doctor, they have cream for you to apply. Go to the doctor ASAP
OOOOO I am sorry for you, Dear! OUCH! Follow the banana boat aloe vera suggestion, and if that doesn't help within a few days, see a doctor. When I get ready to tan, to prepare my skin, the first day I go out for only 5 minutes on each side, the next day 10 and the next day 15, etc. You shouldn't deliberately tan for more than 20 minutes a day. It could lead to skin cancer unless you put a protective sun screen on. If you are out in the sun for reasons other than tanning, be sure to put clothing back on after the alloted time. Either way, use a sunscreen!Good luck!
cold water is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline or tomatoes or vanilla extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white or lavender oil or cocoa butter or salt or tea or potato or shaving cream or olive oil- not until the skin is fully healed! ignore anyone who advises any of these!i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent)cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.cling wrap alone is ok if you can't get hold of any paraffin. it also acts as a protective artificial skin - helping retain moisture and protect from further damage and pain. cling wrap is cheap and clean off the roll. in Australia ambulances often use this when someone has been burnt. - please note that cling wrap isn't always practical, like on your face.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp.(aqueous cream has a bunch of paraffin in it plus some moisturisers - look out for stuff that also contains sorbolene or glycerine as these help also). following this regime definitely will help your sunburn heal faster and peel less. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids- this is a function of healthy skin.so put aloe on, and then the paraffin on over the top as long as there is no broken skin this works great. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin.long term treatment to prevent scarring or loss of function due to contractures(as skin heals it can tighten reducing how much you can move - a skin graft is necessary to repair this). daily moisturiser, daily stretches - talk to a physio, pressure bandages like tubigrip, massaging the scar. this all reduce/flatten the scar and minimise the need for further treatment/surgery. talk to a physio. please note that this is an explanation based on the many questions that have been asked on ByeDr.com. all treatments are used in hospital and when done correctly by a health professional hugely improve the outcomes of burns patients.
http://www.doorone.com.au/xgs-aqueous_cr...http://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/david-c...hope this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/alternatives are available in your area email if you still have questions - send photos feedingthedogcustard@hotmail.c...finally if you are really worried go to a hospital that has a burns unit or plastic surgeons.anything more serious than sunburn should be seen by a burns trained doctor or nurse.
I used the tea remedy. The tannic acid takes the sting out of the burn. Bactine spray helped, too. Next time, cover up.
if you read my other sunburn question, you know i was right in your shoes about 4 days ago. the best thing to do with the blisters is DONT TOUCH THEM, for me when i did it sent pain throughout my body. also, just lay in bed for a couple days. really. the best thing you can do is lay with loose fitting clothes, and maybe turn your shirt inside out so the sides and tag arent scratching your burn.i have to tell you it DOES go away (although it seems it wont) and once you start to peel and itch, you feel 10 times better ;) good luck! - Ben
That sounds like sun poisoning. You should probably see a doctor, and keep drinking water.
You need to drink lots of plain water. To bring down the heat of the sunburn you need to take a bath with baking soda in the water. Those blisters are indication of second degree burns and could get infected. You really should go see a doctor,.
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