Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scratch on my nose?

might be a silly question but i was moving my hands around and i accidentally scratched my nose and now theres a little red blob on my nose, nothing big but it's a little red like blood and i was wondering how many days before the red will go away ?-- i cleaned it when i saw it was bleeding.thanks in advance ;D
How did you clean it? Did you pop it like it was a blister? Or is it more like a scratch? Either way, best bet is to let it dry up, say 3-5 days from the day you last touched it to clean it, it should dry up and drop off as a scab. Don't put any cover up or anything like that on it, just let it air dry and you should be fine.
well if it was bleeding then it might scar for a while. It wont stay forever maybe a week or so dont worry it'll be gone soon!
if its small then it should go away in a few days.
just leave it be and it will heal.
an important thing to remember is don't scratch the scab when the blood dries out. a lot of people do this and it slows down the healing process and can leave a scar.
I'm sure you wouldn't want this, especially on your face.
so my point is, dont touch it and it will go away in a few days.

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