Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scarred for life...?

Ok, well a few summers ago I went on vacation. I was having a blast until we went to a lake. It was going MAD with mosquitos. Which was a real problem for me. Anyway on my left leg I got over 50 bites and my leg looked like it had polkadots. My grandparents said they would go away before I got back to my parents back where I live. They didnt. They got WORSE! I kept scratching and they turned into bruise type scars. When I went home they faded a little. Then other things happened. Like, a girl at school WAS bullying me and kept kicking me in the leg, I would rub my leg REALLY hard when I got nervous and it would burn and bleed, things like that. I went to my doctor when my parents found out because they though it was serious and they didnt do ANYTHING! I have summer camp on Monday and I cant go like this. We go swimming everyday and my leg looks horrible. So bad I havent been able to go out in public wearing shorts or things like that.I havent worn shorts in public for 3 years!What now?
There is a product available in department store cosmetics
sections, that completely covers scars and blemishes. It
costs about $10.00, but it's worth it. But the trouble is, I can't
think of the name it's called. Maybe Lubriderm, but maybe
that's not correct. I only know I got a sample of it, when I was
told about it, and I asked the clerk for a sample to try at home.
And she was very cooperative. She gave me a little lipstick
type tube of it. And it covered some vericose veins I have so
that I could wear shorts without being less conscious. So
that's where I'd head, since you might not be able to have
anything done about the scarring, short of plastic surgery.
I'd try any type of concealer, til you find the one that covers
the best.
Good luck!
My sister had the same problem. She scratched herself raw during the summers. Come to find out she had a blood condition. Can't remember what's it called. Not sure whether or not the mosquitos aggrevates this condition, but I suggest you get your blood tested. It's not sickle cells or AIDS so don't panic. This blood condition is genetic and very common. If it not the blood, then I suggest you use dial soap every night to kill bacteria, which may cause you to itch more. Hot water baths lances mosquito bites and also relieve the swelling so indulge in baths. I know this sounds childish but if possible use cover your hand with socks or clip and neatly file your nails. These are also helpful aids of recovery.
i have a scar on my arm. scars don't go away and if they get in the sunn they get darker. my doctor suggested that i put zinc oxcide on it. it is this white stuff that is like sunblock put better and thicker on my arm when i go in the sun. it is also the stuff that people put on their noses like lifeguards. you can find it at you local drugstore. if they really bother you you should go to a plastic surgon or a dermatologist to see what they say go to the dermatologist first though because they deal with skin hope this helps
Try applying MSM cream and Vitamin E oil to the scarred areas.
Also take a good multivtamin, and an antioxidant combination.
There is an OTC product called PreferOn you might check out.
Good luck!
There is this really good cream (ask about this at your doctors office) that removes scars. All you need to do is apply a little each day, and by the time your camp comes, your legs will be fine.
There are make-ups made for legs, just call around to stores that sell make-up.
You're probably not scarred for life and they will fade one day, but though it's very hard to do, you shouldn't aggravate by scratching. Your grandparents should have got some calomine or similar lotion from chemist to take itching away.

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