Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scarred for life?

Ok, well a few summers ago I went on vacation. I was having a blast until we went to a lake. It was going MAD with mosquitos. Which was a real problem for me. Anyway on my left leg I got over 50 bites and my leg looked like it had polkadots. My grandparents said they would go away before I got back to my parents back where I live. They didnt. They got WORSE! I kept scratching and they turned into bruise type scars. When I went home they faded a little. Then other things happened. Like, a girl at school WAS bullying me and kept kicking me in the leg, I would rub my leg REALLY hard when I got nervous and it would burn and bleed, things like that. I went to my doctor when my parents found out because they though it was serious and they didnt do ANYTHING! I have summer camp on Monday and I cant go like this. We go swimming everyday and my leg looks horrible. So bad I havent been able to go out in public wearing shorts or things like that.I havent worn shorts in public for 3 years!What now?
Why not go to a doctor, skin or otherwise
wow.. sounds tough. u might want to see a dermatologist...specializes in skin care, unlike a normal doctor who treats generalized problemsalso, try getting lotion that exfoliates and heals. maybe u can do some skin masks for ur leg.. using honey, which has healing properties..stuff like that.good luck :)oh! have u heard of Mederma? that also is supposed to help w/ scars!
ok i guess i really dont understand so is your leg scared or what if its still burns and has bumps try taking a bath in baking soda. if its been three years since this has happen and you are still having problems you need to see a doctor .
Ive got scars too and they actually do fade over time. But vitimin E oil is good to help them appear less noticable. hope this will help.
Try a self tanner, either a spray or cream. It might even your skin out a little bit, but make sure you apply it evenly, and a little goes a long way. When you use it, don't go overboard, use it a few times instead of a lot at once.
im sorry to say there is not much you can do about that now i mean to have the scars removed your talking alot of surgery and they will never be gone all together there will always be some scaring but i would just lay back and try to step by step bring yourslef confidence back by showing the scars and just say hey liseing crap happens and if you dont care for the way i look than dont give me the time of day its hard i know but it will make things better hopefully in a matter of time
get skin care products
A lot of scars respond well to mederma. Did you see a dermatologist?

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