Sunday, October 25, 2009

Really cramped hand from bass guitar! Help!?

Since it's my holidays I've had alot more time to practice bass, and all up I've done about 5 hours of playing today and have been doing that for the past 3 days and just tonight my hand started cramping up really badly, now it's very stiff and sore.I know it's a matter of perseverance and it will get stronger, but is there anything I can do to relieve the pain just for a short while?Thanks!
RICE - Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate... for the first 24 hours, then apply heat.Get a racketball ball or an old tennis ball and start squeezing it to strengthen your grip. You might use two ballas to keep both hands equal.You can go to the local gym and tell them you want exercises to strengthen your hands... Things like crumbling paper with one hand, and rolling a broomhandle with a string and lite weight on it...
Try putting heat on it like a hot(warm) water bottle, that might help.
I would soak your hand(s) in cool water with a few ice cubes in it. Then the following day I would try warm water. You need the cool water first to help with the swelling and soreness.You might not be able to play tomorrow. You have over worked your hands and they might need rest.
If you are getting a lot of pain or discomfort you should stop for a while - the last thing you want is to develop is carpal tunnel syndrome. How is your playing technique? try and make sure the thumb of your fretting hand is always behind the neck as you play - not over the top of it. And don't press down too hard on the strings as you are playing - use just enough pressure for a good clean sound. Keep your wrists straight as possible and don't force them into any uncomfortable positions - also avoid holding your bass at any weird angles to avoid strain. And make sure the strap isn't digging into your shoulder - it should always lay smoothly. It may be a good idea to get one with some extra padding. A good habit to get into is always warm up before you start playing by doing some simple stretching exercises with your hand. If the pain continues see your doctor. :-)

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