Saturday, October 31, 2009

Right index finger knuckle pain, what is the cause and what can I do?

I started to have pain in my right index finger at the knuckle. It is very tender when I lightly squeeze around it or when I am opening a screw top bottle it really hurts alomost to the point I am not able to open it. It is also tender just bending my finger, I use a mouse at work but I have been using it for couple of years and had no problem until about a month ago. I dont recall injuring it in any way or doing any type of new activities that would cause strain. It appears slightly larger than my left hand knuckle and the pain seems to be getting worse. I used to crack my knuckles from time to time but didnt make a habit of it or anything and it never seemed to cause my fingers any pain or tenderness. Does anyone have any insight as to why this is and what I can do to make it better? Thank you
Pain in the toe is different from pain in a finger. It could be arthritis, or you could have sprained it somehow, or even repetitive use injury. If it's getting worse, see a doctor. It could also be an infection.
Sounds nearly identical to my experience in left index finger and big toe. Turns out to be arthritis. And I'm not even 40. I did find that a magnetic bracelet on the left wrist helped. Would not have believed it had I not tried it and experienced relief.
Okay I know this sounds really weird, but in the middle of the night one night I woke up almost to the point of crying because my toe hurt so bad, I did not recall doing anything to it at all, so I woke up my grandmother and she said it was a build up of acids in my toe and that i just need to drink A LOT of water and it will go away, I drank tons of water and soon enough by the end of the day my toe felt fine. I think the same thing can apply to fingers as well, so I think if you just drink more water it will be fine!

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